Case Study

Tracking Footfall at Pawnshops

Adding tracking to pawnshops footfall to manage marketing efforts success at increasing in store purchases and pawns.

My Part.

Task: Implement Traffic Counter and Program

Phase 1: Find and purchase  traffic counters

Phase 2: Install door counters at all locations.

Phase 3: Set up tracking method for traffic counters.

ICE Score.

Impact: 7

Confidence: 6

Ease: 8

ICE Score: 504



It is imperative that marketing money is moved to specific geos to give specific attorneys a full case load. The issue is that cases open and close all times.



An SMS People counter to all locations and entrances will give us the needed data to track footfall. SMS was selected for price, ease of use, and its bundled app.



As mentioned, this was picked for ease, being that implementaiton was simply drill in the backets and add the counter. Once that is complete, get the app connected and it is good to go.



Data was tracked using the SMS app in tandem with Google Sheets to provide year of year data and ensure that marketing efforts are having a postive impact on the Footfall.


“Using the door counters have been one of the best metrics that we have implemented at our pawnshops. With this traffic information we were able to improve our  marketing efforts and increase our foot traffic” – Julio, Store Manager